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Judul Iklan: Types of Distance Education Courses
Isi Iklan: Types of Distance Education Courses
Distance learning has been associated with the delivery of information in relatively resource-rich environments. On the other hand, due to communication bandwidth constraints companies are using "low-tech" distance learning alternatives. Radio has remained a very viable form, especially in the developing nations, because of its reach. In India, for example the FM channel is very popular and is being used by universities to broadcast educational programs on a variety of areas such as teacher education, rural development and science. Even in developed countries like Australia, radio is still prevalent in the country's remote central areas.
On the other hand, distance education has traversed six 'generations' of technology over the course of its history. These are: print, audio/video broadcasting, audio/video teleconferencing, computer aided instruction, e-learning/ online-learning, computer broadcasting/webcasting. In recent years there has been a phenomenal increase in the number of what can loosely be termed 'mobile devices,' as well as significant advancement in their technical sophistication. The increasing popularity of mp3 players, pda's and Smart Phones has provided an additional medium for the distribution of distance education content. All of these devices share the key characteristic of mobility and, to varying degrees; they can process digital data and digital media. Moreover, ever greater numbers of these devices are becoming Internet-enabled. Increasingly, staff and students within higher education institutions own and make use of these devices. Click
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